
Media is important because the way a piece of text is formatted, presented, or distributed can have a large impact on its effectiveness. The media allows for different features to be utilized in the author’s favor, and it’s important to take advantage of those features. For example, for my group’s Engineering Proposal powerpoint presentation, we could’ve used more visual aids, like photos and diagrams, in order to show our audience what exactly our Emergency SOS Alarm will look like. Since our media was a powerpoint, using images along with brief bullets of your main points is the best way to maintain your audience’s attention. However, we incorporated too much text in a small font, without many images at all, so our audience was very confused on how they should envision the product we were promoting. The only two images we had through out the entire presentation were not scaled to size, and had no dimensions (shown in Figure 1). Our presentation was not as compelling as we wanted it to be, and we were unable to convince them that our product was worth investing in. 

Additionally, later in the semester I learned that media can be significant when considering the audience. Digital media will be easily accessible by teens and adults, but older adults and senior citizens are most likely not online, which ceases access for them. These are all crucial to think about when considering media, but in the beginning of the semester I did not realize this.


Figure 1- Slide 5 from my Engineering Proposal Presentation